2020 has been a brutal year. For a lot of us, we’ve been confined to our own four walls. Being confined to mine I’ve relied on my artwork to keep me occupied and productive. 

Three years ago I started a digital painting, with the intention of it being my Dads Christmas present… safe to say, he didn’t get it that Christmas. Life got in the way, and each new year that came I said ‘I’ll get it done this year’. Well, this year having been out of a job and starting a new one and loving it, it’s allowed me to revitalise myself and my artwork. 


And so now, I can introduce to you…


The most important thing to all of us and I think we’ve learnt just how much.

When my Dad opened his Christmas present this year it transported him to a time he was in South Africa with my Mom, watching a herd of elephants at the watering hole, he’s been long awaiting this painting that I’ve promised the past few years and to see his reaction to it made this whole messed up year worth while.

Elephants share a lot of human emotions, they feel loss, they grieve, they cry. But they also form life-long bonds between family and friends that have transcended time and even distance apart. And so will ours.

Here’s to 2021, make the best of it.