Wolves of the Sea


Orcas, also referred to as ‘Wolves of the Sea’ for their pack like family structure and hunting skills. The killer whale is an apex predator which means they are at the top of the food chain with no natural predators.
The depiction of the print above represent a population of orcas known as ‘Residents’ they stay inland or near coastal waters of the Pacific Northwest and feed specifically on salmon. But due to habitat degradation, contamination and poor fisheries management, the salmon numbers are dropping and with it, the resident orca population.
So, in hopes of raising awareness to this problem, as well helping to raise money to support the research and conservation efforts for these orcas, I will be donating 10% from each print purchase to the Center for Whale Research.

Orcas, also referred to as 'Wolves of the Sea' for their pack like family structure and hunting skills. The killer whale is an apex predator which means they are at the top of the food chain with no natural predators.
The depiction of the print above represent a population of orcas known as 'Residents' they stay inland or near coastal waters of the Pacific Northwest and feed specifically on salmon. But due to habitat degradation, contamination and poor fisheries management, the salmon numbers are dropping and with it, the resident orca population.
So, in hopes of raising awareness to this problem, as well helping to raise money to support the research and conservation efforts for these orcas, I will be donating 10% from each print purchase to the Center for Whale Research.

Additional information

Weight .2 kg
Dimensions N/A

A4, A3, A2, A5


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